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Prayer can heal and enrich our lives. It can unlock joy and gratitude. Spiritual life and prayer are a dynamic part of Kol Emeth. Our services are participatory and we invite you to be among the leaders. Our services are egalitarian because we hear in each other's voices a sign of God's presence. Our services take place in community because face to face human connection is an essential component of spiritual life. Feel welcome to come to any of our services and experience the warmth, joy, and song of our prayers.

Learn to lead services!

Sing along with more confidence! Check out the wonderful collection of tunes our Rabbis and teachers and congregants have made available: Learn the Service

Regular Minyan and Shabbat Schedule

6:00 pm Friday evening*

9:15 am Saturday morning

7:45 pm Sunday through Thursday, Daily Minyan*

7:15 am Sunday through Friday virtual Daily Minyan

Some in-person Minyanim, check the calendar. 

Kol Emeth Daily Minyan provides an intimate environment for communal prayer and supports visitors and those in our community mourning the loss of a loved one. Everyone is welcome. Please come to daily minyan to support people who need a minyan.

*Evening Minyan is now virtual! Check the Calendar to see the latest information.  Thursday Mornings are still usually held in person.  Holidays: There is no daily minyan on seder nights - the first two nights of Pesach (Passover). Sukkot services are held at various times and locations.

We have a small whatsapp group that helps us form a minyan with those who live less than 10 minutes away from KE. Learn more.

** Friday night / Shabbat evening services Friday night services begin at 6:00pm and are at various locations or on zoom. Once or twice a month, Rabbi David Booth and his family host Barkhu at the Booths is an intimate and warm Kabbalat Shabbat with the Booth family. All are welcome. Check the calendar to see what program is planned for a particular Friday night. 

If you would like to join us for one of our services, please contact the office.


Today's Calendar

Candle Lighting
: 5:36pm
At Home Hospitality Shabbat
: 6:00pm

Tomorrow's Calendar

Shabbat Mevarchim
Service of Peace & Healing with Rabbi Amy Eilberg
: 10:30am
: 6:39pm

Friday Night

Candle Lighting
: 5:36pm
At Home Hospitality Shabbat
: 6:00pm

Shabbat Day

This week's Torah portion is Parshat Mishpatim

Candle Lighting

Friday, Feb 21, 5:36pm


Motzei Shabbat, Feb 22, 6:39pm
View Calendar


Fri, February 21 2025 23 Shevat 5785