Adult Educational Offerings at Kol Emeth
We are delighted to offer in person and virtual adult educational opportunities about a wide variety of Jewish topics. Some classes are ongoing while others are limited series. Scroll down for details!
Weekly, Sundays, from 11:25 am to 12:30 pm, Community Room / On Zoom
This class is for seekers, born Jews, and people considering becoming Jewish. We look at the theological foundations of Judaism, holidays, prayer, and how to create a Jewish home. Register here!
Weekly, Sundays, from 10:15 to 11:15 am, Community Room / On Zoom
Join us as we study Bava Batra, a section of Talmud dedicated to justice and law in property rights. This material consistently draws out key issues of ethical behavior between people, alongside its spiritual dimension. Email Rabbi Booth if you are interested in joining this class.
Weekly, Wednesdays, from 12:15 to 1:15 pm, Community Room / On Zoom
Join us as we explore the Talmud, looking in depth at how the Rabbis created a great spiritual gift in the details of Shabbat. Email Rabbi Booth if you are interested in joining this class.
Monthly, Second Wednesday, from 12:30 to 1:30 pm, Beit Midrash / On Zoom
We are studying The Path of the Upright as we explore our own potential for personal and spiritual growth. Email Rabbi Booth if you are interested in joining this class.
Weekly, Thursdays, from 8:30 to 9:15 am, Community Room / On Zoom
Join us for a close read of the Book of Job. Job explores why we suffer and asks if there is meaning in our suffering or even in our lives. Email Rabbi Booth if you are interested in joining this class.
First & Third Thursdays, from 11:00 am to 12:30 pm, Zoom Only
The Women’s Study Group, led by Rabbi Graff, offers a forum for women of all ages to study text and share life experiences in the context of Torah. We study the weekly Torah portion, Jewish holidays, and other topics of interest to the group. Participants come with all different levels of Jewish knowledge, and drop-ins are most welcome. Please email Rabbi Graff to be added to the Women’s Study Group email list and receive the Zoom link.
Weekly, Sundays, from 10:00 to 11:30 am, Beit Midrash / On Zoom
Have you ever wanted to read the entire Bible all the way through? Study the TaNaCH (Torah, Prophets, and Writings) as a larger spiritual and literary work, as opposed to by the parsha? Are you wondering about the larger picture and connections? Want to dive deeper into the various stories, characters, and themes? Then, this is the class for you! We will meet most Sunday mornings, unless it conflicts with other Adult Ed or holiday events. Register here!