Kol Emeth Sukkah Disassembly
Sunday, October 27, 2024 • 25 Tishrei 5785
9:00 AM - 11:00 AMCongregation Kol EmethCalling ALL Kol Emeth Members!
Join the Men’s Havurah to disassemble and store the Kol Emeth Sukkah. KE will provide breakfast to participants. All adults and teens are invited to participate!
The Sukkah is assembled from a well-designed kit that is easy and fun to put together and disassemble. Please bring a rubber mallet and a step stool if you have one. For any questions about this event, contact the event leaders:
Mark Tischler: mrtischler@aol.com
Marc Bader: mbader68@gmail.com
We look forward to a great turnout once again for this fabulous Kol Emeth tradition! Please register below so we can plan accordingly.
If you are interested in joining the Men’s Havurah mailing list, please click here.
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