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About the KE Men's Havurah

Welcome to the Kol Emeth Men’s Havurah! This group provides opportunities to make new friends/connections within the KE family in an informal setting around fun events. The group also provides an opportunity for KE men to support each other -- provide perspective, advice, connections, and support during challenging times/transitions. 

We hold a Havurah event about once a month. Events that were held in the past year include: Building the KE Sukkah, a moderate hike at Rancho San Antonio followed by lunch at Oren’s Hummus, Bocce Ball, and movies about the life of Golda Meir and the founding of the Israel Air Force.

The Havurah is led by a volunteer group of nine KE Men. We would be delighted to hear your suggestions and offers to lead/host a future event. Please contact Mark Tischler with your ideas and questions:

Cell: 408-507-4525 

To be included in the Men’s Havurah Roster and receive email announcements about upcoming Havurah events, please fill in the form below.





Click HERE to register!

Past Events

KE Men! Thanks for making these events so special. We enjoy spending time with each and every one of you and can't wait for more great events in the future.


An Afternoon at the Bocce Courts & Israeli Dinner
Sunday, June 30, 2024

Hike and Israeli Lunch
Sunday, May 19, 2024
We combined a great hike, wonderful natural scenery, discussions/stories/jokes, and terrific Israeli food at Oren's Hummus.

Pre-Passover Kosher Wine Tasting Event
Sunday, April 7, 2024
Looking for the right Kosher wine? Not sure what to buy? Passover is just around the corner. The first Seder is April 22. We are required to drink 4 cups of wine. But how to make sure they’re good? Taste them beforehand! 

Election 2024: Is it Good for the Jews? 
Sunday, March 17, 2024
KE Congregant Elliot Lepler, an AIPAC Regional Political Chair, gave his assessment of the state of many races that are meaningful with respect to the US-Israel relationship here in California and across the country. Elliot will also spoke about how pro-Israel activists work to assure that America remains Israel’s greatest ally. 

Poker Night
Saturday, February 3, 2024
We won some, we lost some, and everyone left with a smile! The Men's Havurah gathered to play some poker together, enjoying some snacks and drinks along the way! Check out the photos below!

Hiller Aviation Museum
Sunday, November 12, 2023
A private, docent-guided tour of the Hiller Aviation Museum! Founded by local helicopter pioneer Stanley Hiller, the museum is located at the San Carlos Airport and specializes in Northern California aircraft and helicopter history. The museum has 71 original and replica aircraft dating back to 1869. Check out the pictures below!

Photo Gallery

Check out photos from our previous events!


Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784