Kol Emeth Sukkah Build
Sunday, October 13, 2024 • 11 Tishrei 5785
10:00 AM - 12:00 PMCongregation Kol EmethCalling ALL Kol Emeth Members!
Assembling a Sukkah is a joyous Mitzvah and provides a wonderful opportunity for members to experience a Sukkah when they may not have one of their own. Once again, the KE Men’s Havurah will “sponsor” and lead the Sukkah assembly.
The Sukkah is assembled from a well-designed kit that is easy and fun to put together. This event gives the KE community a chance to gather together for this Mitzvah the morning following Yom Kippur. All adults and teens are invited to participate.
Join us on Sunday, October 13 at 10:00 am. We'll provide breakfast to participant. Please bring the following tools, if you have them:
- Rubber mallets
- Step stools
- Sharpies
- Painter's tape
- Carpenter knives
- Cutters
Please register below so we can plan accordingly.
We look forward to a great turnout once again for this fabulous Kol Emeth tradition! For any questions about this Sukkah building event, please contact the event leaders:
Mark Tischler: mrtischler@aol.com
Marc Bader: mbader68@gmail.com
If you are interested in joining the Men’s Havurah mailing list, please click here.
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