KE Salon with Honey Meir-Levi
Tuesday, January 21, 2025 • 21 Tevet 5785
2:00 PM - 3:00 PMWhat can we learn from The Blue Zones?
Honey Meir-Levi is the creator and facilitator of our Aging With Intention workshops. Join her on Zoom to lightly review the Blue Zones research which was done by demographers, gerontologists and statisticians exploring communities that are unusually full of high-functioning people from 90-100 years of age. When demographers found areas that met their criteria, they circled them in blue ink on their map, hence the Blue Zones. A surprising number of the “super agers” they found were remarkably physically healthy and mentally sound. The researcher visited the Blue Zones and made real efforts to observe and understand the details of the way of life that contributes to this remarkable longevity. Honey will give a brief summary of their research and open the discussion for ways in which we, as individuals and as a community, can alter our own lives to more closely align with their findings.
For a richer discussion, you can explore their website or read the book. If you are interested, you can take the Blue Zones test and email Honey your results in terms of your healthy life expectancy, total life expectancy, and potential life expectancy.
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Tue, January 7 2025 7 Tevet 5785