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Kol Emeth Fund Descriptions

Kol Emeth General Fund: to go where it's most needed at Kol Emeth.
KE Cares: to help individuals who need dues adjustments or who want to participate in KE events but are unable to do so for financial reasons. 

General Fund - Donate here.
Capital Campaign (New Building) - Donate here.
Kol Nidre Appeal
Rabbi Booth's Discretionary Fund
Rabbi Graff's Discretionary Fund
Rabbi Lewis’ Discretionary Fund
Kiddush Fund
Kol HaHekdesh: Voice of Our Sacred Synagogue 
Kol HaTzibur: Voice of Kol Emeth Community
Kol Limmud: Voice of Education
Kol Tzedakah: Voice of Community Beyond Kol Emeth

Our members have generously established funds in support of Kol Emeth. You can designate your gift to one of these funds if you would like.

Kol HaHekdesh – Voice of Our Sacred Synagogue

Kol HaHekdesh is an umbrella fund to help pay for material expenses necessary for our mission, such as prayer books, equipment and furniture, technology/software, etc. This fund includes but is not limited to:

  • Esther Siegal Waldman Children’s Collection Fund: To purchase books for children for the library as approved by the Library Committee.
  • Fred Bob Prayerbook Fund: To purchase siddurim or chumashim as approved by the Religious Practices Committee and the Treasurer.
  • Library Fund: To purchase new books for the library and for general upkeep of the library as approved by the Library Committee.
  • Melnick Machzor Funds
  • Miriam Ferziger Memorial Fund: To acquire, house and circulate a  Judaic performing arts collection (library of art, books, and electronic media.)
  • Simon Grossman Fund: To provide funds for Torah repair and upkeep.
  • Synagogue Improvement Fund:  To provide improvement of the  synagogue facilities and grounds as approved by the Executive Director and/or House and Grounds Committee and Treasurer.

Kol HaTzibur – Voice of Kol Emeth Community 

Kol HaTzibur is an umbrella fund to support the outreach to our community. This fund includes but is not limited to:

  • Chesed Fund: To provide gemilut chasadim – acts of loving kindness – to our community as requested and needed, in the form of meals, visits, phone calls, cards, rides to appointments, and more.
  • Marshall Denenberg Fund
  • Young Adults Fund: To support services and programs for young adults.

Kol Limmud – Voice of Education

Kol Limmud is an umbrella fund to support educational activities at Kol Emeth. This fund includes but is not limited to:

  • Education Enrichment Fund: To be used by the Religious School for programs designed for education enrichment as approved by the Education Committee.
  • Family Education Fund in honor of Joyce Hurvitz: To provide a fund to enrich family education as approved by the Executive Committee.
  • Hilde Amkraut Family Education Fund:  To help pay the cost of family education programs at Kol Emeth.
  • Irving Lewis Memorial Fund: To provide for programs and special awards for the youth of the congregation as approved by the Rabbis and Executive Director.
  • Torah for Tots Fund: To provide programs to enrich the Jewish learning of preschool children, specifically the Torah for Tots program  which meets each Shabbat.
  • Youth Activities Fund: To provide funds for synagogue sponsored youth activities: USY, Kadima and Junior Kadima.

Kol Tzedakah – Voice of Community Beyond Kol Emeth

Kol Tzedakah is an umbrella fund to support the wider community. This fund includes but is not limited to:

  • Alfred Barauck Fund for Jewish Emigres: To provide Jewish outreach, education and support for emigres from other countries.
  • Homeless Fund: To provide relief for the homeless, including food preparation.
  • Israel Action Fund: To provide for programs in support of Israel as recommended by the Israel Action Committee Chair.
  • Social Action Fund: To provide funds for projects or activities sponsored by the Social Action Committee.



  • Bernard H. and Ruth E. Raskin Educational Endowment Fund: To support various educational programs.
  • David Weintraub Fund: To fund an annual lecture.
  • Dean Hoffman Israel Scholarship Endowment Fund: To provide financial assistance to Kol Emeth teens who are planning a trip to Israel on a recognized program. Application and approval of program is required.
  • Goldberg Fund: To be used for synagogue programs and educational purposes.
  • Holocaust Endowment Fund: To provide for Holocaust Education.
  • Larry Cohen Lecture in Judaica Arts Endowment Fund: To fund an annual lecture in the Jewish arts.
  • Laurien Y. Seagall Fund for Jewish Singles: To promote and support activities for Jewish singles by providing funds for social, religious, educational and other programs and events for attendance by Jewish singles.
  • Kol Emeth Endowment Fund
  • Richard Franklin Lecture in the Jewish Legal Tradition Memorial Fund: To fund an annual lecture in the Jewish Legal tradition.


Thu, January 30 2025 1 Shevat 5785