Erev Simchat Torah
Thursday, October 24, 2024 • 22 Tishrei 5785
5:30 PM - 9:00 PMCongregation Kol Emeth5:30 pm | Young Family Program | Families with babies and tots are invited to a special Simchat Torah celebration with Morat Derech Sarah Miller, Music Specialist Tyler Dean, and Rabbi Booth who will take us on a “tour” of the Torah!
6:15 pm | Around the World Dinner & Dancing | Everyone is invited! We are excited to welcome back West African Dance Instructor Naby Bangoura. Join us for a global celebration featuring circle dancing, cocktails and mocktails with international inspirations, and a delicious dinner of cultural cuisine (vegan Chinese food). After dinner, the celebration continues with services and dancing, caramel apples, and crafts.
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