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Elul Shabbaton

Friday, September 20, 2024 17 Elul 5784

All Day for 1 Days

Join the KE community and clergy for a weekend Shabbaton as we introduce this year's theme Lev Shalem: Finding Healing, Wholeness, and Hope.

Friday Night Tisch | Sept. 20 | Register Here

6:00 pm | Come welcome Shabbat with Rabbi Booth, Rabbi Graff, Morat Derech Sarah Miller, and Music Specialist Tyler Dean as we sing, listen to heart healing stories, and share joy together. Kabbalat Shabbat services will begin at 6:00 pm (available on Zoom), followed by dinner at 7:00 pm. Then, we will join together to sing, tell stories, and share a l'chaim. Our stories will focus on healing and finding more wholeness of heart in these difficult times.


Shabbat Morning Services | Sept. 21 | In Person & on Zoom

9:30 am | Join us for Shabbat morning services in the Main Sanctuary.

11:15 am | During services, Rabbi Booth and Rabbi Graff will explore pathways to inner wholeness through the mystical insight of the Sfat Emet.


Shabbat Learning Sessions | Sept. 21 | In Person Only

Morat Derech Sarah Miller's Parenting Class
10:30 am - 12:00 pm | Social Hall

Parents of all ages are invited to join her in the Social Hall for an exploration of healing and wholeness as they relate to parenting. 

Lunch & Learn with the Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel
12:30 pm - 1:10 pm | Community Room | REGISTER HERE

After Kiddush, bring your lunch to the Community Room to hear from Dan Alon, CEO of SPNI, and Jay Shofet, Director of Partnership and Development. SPNI, the Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel, is Israel's oldest and largest environmental NGO, working to protect Israel's special nature and biodiversity through direct action, formal and informal environmental education, and through fostering a love of nature through hiking, birding and other activities. Since October 7, SPNI has been dedicated to getting Israelis out into nature as much as possible, as a way to help soothe and heal a nation in trauma. Spending time in nature has proven health and mental health benefits, and Israel is facing a mental health crisis. SPNI is currently raising funds and awareness to expand their Resilience Journeys for displaced teens throughout the school year about to begin.

Five Years Have Passed: Wordsworth's Poetry of Recovery 
1:15 pm - 2:30 pm | Main Sanctuary | REGISTER HERE

William Wordsworth is popularly known as a nature poet, and also as the father of British Romanticism, which is the period to which we owe many of our own intuitions about wholeness and spiritual depth. But he was also a very serious thinker—maybe even a philosopher—about time and its passage: its loops, paradoxes, and secluded paths. Poetry was, for him, one way to try to make sense of time, even as time's knottiness was some of the very stuff of poetry. Together, we'll explore two of his most beloved poems in which he probes these issues, trying to untangle or maybe to get tangled up in the many ways loss and recovery are, as he might have put it, deeply interfused. This session is led by KE member Jonathan Atkins, a PhD candidate in English at Stanford working on poetry and poetics from the nineteenth century to the present. His current research focuses on the phenomenology of and epistemologies associated with verse and verse form. He is also interested in the potential purchase of ideas from performance, music, and the natural sciences for how we might read poems (and vice versa), and, as a recovering lawyer, in the intersections of law and poetics. 

Rebuilding the Self: Wholeness After a Long Term Relationship or Divorce
1:15 pm - 2:30 pm | Morat Derech Sarah Miller’s Office |  REGISTER HERE

When significant relationships end, it can often leave us feeling broken and filled with reflective questions: Who am I now? Who do I want to be? How did I get here? What happens now? Where do I want to go? It's a time of both uncertainty and sadness, but also possibility and hope. Join Morat Derech Sarah Miller as we explore the paths to healing and wholeness after a divorce or serious breakup. 

Remembering Loved Ones
1:15 pm - 2:30 pm | Beit Midrash | REGISTER HERE

The High Holidays invite us to reflect upon our relationships and the people who have most influenced our lives.  Join Rabbi Booth and Rabbi Graff for this  guided opportunity to remember loved ones who have passed away and to appreciate loved ones who are still living.

Shabbat Singing
2:30 pm | Courtyard
After filling our minds with learning, we'll fill our souls with music, raising our voices in praise and joy. All are welcome.

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